Changing SDM Server Modes

To change the SDM Server mode please read more

You need to stop the SDM Server first as follow:

Stopping/Starting SDM Server


  1. Navigate to the usr/sap///SDM/program directory of your J2EE Engine installation.
  2. To stop the SDM Server, execute the command:


  3. To start the SDM Server, execute the command:


  4. or simply start the SAP Management Console by choosing Start ® Programs ® SAP Management Console.
  5. From the tree, choose SAP Systems® ® ® Process Table.
  6. Select the SDM process

    To start it, choose Enable Process in the context menu.

    To stop it, choose Disable Process in the context menu.


  1. Navigate to the usr/sap///SDM/program directory of your J2EE Engine installation.
  2. To stop the SDM Server, execute the command:

    To start the SDM Server, execute the command:

Change SDM Server Mode

  1. Navigate to the usr/sap///SDM/program directory of your J2EE Engine.
  2. Open a command prompt in this directory.
  • To remove the link between the SDM and the Java Control Framework execute the following command in the command line:

    sdm jstartup "mode=standalone" for Windows

  • jstartup mode=standalone for UNIX

  • To integrate SDM in the Java Control Framework, use the following command:

  • sdm jstartup "mode=integrated" for Windows

  • jstartup mode=integrated for UNIX

Lock a Client to Prevent Logons

You can lock a system at the OS level by running: tp locksys pf=tpprofile

Example: To lock your DEV system enter this command:
tp locksys DEV pf=tp_domain_dev.pfl

Users will get this message if they attempt to log on: "Upgrade still running. Logon not possible".

Notice that the message is not exactly accurate. TP locksys is mainly used during release upgrades so the message is kind of generic.

To unlock the system,
run: tp unlocksys pf=tpprofile

Only SAP* and DDIC can log on to any of the clients in the system that has been locked.

Check if your SAP servers are alive from the Command Prompt

This is a very useful tip that can help you check if an SAP R/3 server is up and running. This way, you don't have to log on to the system just to find out.
Additionally, you can create another script that uses the FOR command to check ALL your servers so you don't have to check one by one. Have the script do the job for you.

The key to this script is the command SAPINFO.exe, which comes on the SAPFrontEnd CD (SAPGUI). It's part of the SDK. If you don't have the file, e-mail me and I'll send it to you.

The syntax of SAPINFO is:
sapinfo ashost=host sysnr=nn

When used in a batch file (.bat or .cmd) you can check the errorlevel returned by the program. If it is 1 then the system is not up and running.

My script below first checks if the system is on the network by 'pinging' it and expecting a reply.

If you want to check all your systems, then create another script (example: checkallrfcs.bat) and use this command:

FOR /F %%i in (SAPsystems.txt) do call checkrfc %%i 00

The command above reads the file SAPsystems.txt, which should have a list of all the servers (one server name per line) and then it invokes the script 'checkrfc' passing the server name as a parameter. The 00 indicates the instance number.

I believe you will find it extremely useful and it will save you tons of time.
Now, you can just run the script, sit back and watch it report the status of the systems.

Script code:
@echo off
rem ======================================================================
rem Script: CheckRFC.BAT
rem It uses SAPINFO from the RFC-SDK (SAPGUI) to check an RFC destination.
rem It needs two parameters: 1. Hostname 2. Instance Number
rem A ping is sent to the host. If successful an RFC check is carried out.
rem By: Giovanni Davila
rem ======================================================================

if "%2"=="" goto NoParameter
echo Pinging %1 ...
ping %1 -n 2 | find /i "reply" >nul && goto CheckRFC
echo System does not exist on the network! & goto Bye

sapinfo ashost=%1 sysnr=%2 & if errorlevel 1 goto System_Down
echo ----------------------------
echo System is up. RFC checks OK!
echo ----------------------------
goto Bye

echo ---------------
echo System is down!
echo ---------------
goto Bye

echo ----------------------------------------------
echo You did not specify at least one parameter!
echo Syntax: checkrfc "hostname" "instance number"
echo Example: checkrfc mydev 00
echo ----------------------------------------------

sorry, your browser/program is not supported by Web Dynpro!

Solution: SAP note 1347768

1. Change configuration of supported clients.

a) Open Visual Administrator. On the relevant server instance, navigate to "Services -> Configuration Adapter". In the detail view, a tree becomes visible. Navigate to "webdynpro -> -> tc~wd~dispwda -> "Propertysheet clients". Open this propertysheet in edit mode by pressing the "Edit" button on the toolbar.

b) Change following property in the propertysheet wizard.

property "msie6.recognition".

Default value is: "MSIE 6."

change custom value to: "MSIE" and click 'Apply custom' button.

c) Having done this, close the wizard and press again the "Edit" button to save the changes. Afterwards, a restart of the engine is required in order to make these changes effective. The WebDynpro runtime should now be able to allow the usage of Microsoft IE8 browser.

2. Change the compatibility view settings in IE8 browser.

a) In the browser, Go to menu Tools -> Compatibility View Settings.

b) Select the checkbox "Display all websites in Compatibility View" and click on the 'Close' button.

c) Close all browser sessions and then open a new browser window. The WebDynpro runtime should now be able to allow the usage of Microsoft IE8 browser.